"With the S4, you don't have to fight the recoil associated with other swim exercise machines." - Dr. Jeff Nessler, Director, Kinesiology Department, California State University San Marcos
"The S4 can help you stay fit and healthy even if you do not get to the ocean on a consistent and regular basis. With the S4 you can paddle at home and always be fit and ready for whatever the ocean throws your way." - Felipe Pomar, senior fitness expert and big wave surfer
"The S4 Trainer allowed me to ease my injured shoulder into mild exercises by slowly pulling my hand/arm through the granular media toward the top of the box. As I recovered more I was able to pull my hand deeper and with more force through the granular media. Without the S4 Trainer I simply would not have recovered as quickly. In a matter of weeks I was feeling great. With so few tools in the tool box to help with injuries like mine, the S4 Trainer was a lifesaver. Instead of sitting on the couch for the rest of summer I was back in the water. " Scott McNutt Ed.D.
“The S4 Trainer is the ultimate training apparatus for paddling. Recently I used it every day for a week when the surf was flat. When the swell came up, I felt great paddling out and charging into waves. My 15-20 minute daily workouts gave me strong muscle memory and excellent range-of-motion because the S4 teaches you to paddle efficiently. Since paddling is the most strenuous aspect of surfing, the S4 is a great training tool.” David Olan, veteran Malibu surfer, founder, Association of Surfing Lawyers
“Just about every lifelong surfer ends up with shoulder problems or worse. But with the S4, that no longer has to be true. I’m going to the Islands just after Thanksgiving - and there hasn’t been enough surf to keep me in shape for some time now. The S4 is EXACTLY what I need. I’m totally motivated and will start my program as of today! I plan on working up to 30 min by Friday then 45 min the following week. If that goes well then I will supplement the longer work outs with 10-15 min mini sessions as time allows through the day.” Eric “Bird” Huffman, Owner, Bird’s Surf Shed
“Been using my S4 everyday for a week and am stoked! I can get a quick solid workout in 5-8 minutes. I also found my fingers feel exercised along with the shoulders, arms and back. For surfing you have to arch your spine when paddling: your S4 simulates that critical stretch and strength aspect like the real thing which is not available at the local gym. I really respect your efforts to pull this great idea into reality - nice job!” Gary Ross, lifelong surfer, Silverstrand, Ventura County
“First impressions? Awesome! The workout is great. You can really feel it when you try to keep your arm fully extended with your hand deep in the Ecoprime pellets. The work and resistance is really loading up nicely. In addition to it being a cardio exercise, there definitely is some strength you can add to your paddling. You can just feel it!” Randy Strunk, San Diego surf community legend, owner Pacific Beach Surf Shop