GH Bio
A more unique career as a surfer would be hard to find compared to that of Glenn Hening. A high school teacher for 25 years, he was also a software specialist for NASA, and is the founder of the Surfrider Foundation. As a co-founder of the Groundswell Society he organized the SASIC conferences and created 20 years of team surfing benefit events at Rincon. He’s written for Surfers Journal, was named a Regents lecturer at UCSB, and is an environmental research expert. His resume is nothing short of extraordinary both on land - and in the water.
He spent five years surfing in El Salvador, won contests at Malibu, and surfed with serious intent in Australia, California, and Peru. And in 2018 Glenn still has plenty of game in the beachbreaks and points of Ventura County thanks to a discovery that has kept him in top shape for surfing for the past 22 years.
That discovery led to two years of product design and development resulting in the formation of Granular Resistance Fitness, a California Corporation, and the introduction of the S4 Trainer, a game-changing innovation in the field of repetitive motion resistance exercise.
The S4 has direct applications to swim and aquatic sports training, as well as surfing and prone paddle distance training. Glenn and his GRF team are also moving forward into the world of physical therapy with the concept of granular resistance as a new approach to muscle and joint rehabilitation.
All in all, Glenn has led a life of continuous exploration, imagination, and production that has benefitted students, surfers, and athletes. With his beloved wife Heidi, a yoga teacher, he lives at Oxnard Shores in Ventura County, California - and still checks the waves every morning.
Glenn at the Rincon Invitational