The S4 and Surfing

Very few sports, if any, compare to surfing where so much energy is expended just to get to the moment where you are actually engaged in the sport itself. In fact, the reality of being a surfer is based on paddling strength and conditioning – and this is especially true if you want to be fully engaged long-term in the wonderful world of riding waves.

Consider how long it takes to paddle out and/or get in position to catch a wave. Then you have to paddle fast and strong at just the right moment. Then consider just how many seconds you actually stand on a board during a good ride – before you have to paddle out all over again for your next wave. In fact, the ratio of actual time spent paddling vs time spent riding a wave can be 30 to 1 – or even as much as 60 to 1 on a crowded day in big waves.

So paddling is without a doubt the most demanding part of surfing – and thus staying in shape for surfing requires being a strong paddler. It is that simple – and that’s why Glenn’s invention is exactly what every surfer can use to catch more waves and avoid the disappointment of not being able to enjoy surfing due to poor paddling ability.

Put simply, you can't ride 'em if you can't catch 'em!

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